
SCOPE (World Obesity Federation)

This conference has been awarded 4 SCOPE Accreditation points, the internationally recognized badge of quality in obesity education, from the World Obesity federation. For more, visit

Medical Associations of The Netherlands

Nederlandse Internisten Vereniging (Dutch Association of Internal Medicine): 6 CME credits for healthcare policy in the category ‘buiten vakgebied’ (outside specialty area). In this category, maximally 50 points in 5 years count for re-registration as internist.

Accreditatie Bureau Cluster 1

6 points for general practitioners, geriatric medicine and physicians for mentally disabled. For more visit:

International Board of Lifestyle Medicine

The International Board of Lifestyle Medicine (IBLM) supports the conference and is willing to accept certificates of attendance to fulfill the IBLM/ABLM exam prerequisite of 20h of event attendance. For more about IBLM, visit:

Accreditatiebureau Sociale Geneeskunde (Accreditation) Bureau Social Medicine; AbSg):

18 accreditation points.

Nederlandse Vereniging van Artsen voor Longziekten en Tuberculose (NVALT) (Dutch Association of Physicians for Lung Diseases and Tuberculosis:

Individual NVALT members may submit for this congress  an accreditation request for foreign education to the Accreditation Committee of NVALT.

Nederlandse Vereniging voor Cardiologie (NVVC) (Dutch Association of Cardiology):

Individual NVVC members may submit for this congress an accreditation request for foreign education to the Accreditation Committee of NVVC.

Public Benefit Organisation “ANBI” certified

Caribbean Prevention Center is ANBI certified.

Since 2008 the Dutch Tax Administration can designate an institution to be a “Public Benefit Organisation”. At least 90% of the efforts of an ANBI has to be focused on the general good.